A part of Wahl’s premium 5 star series, the Wahl 5 star Legend clipper is a very potent hair cutter.
Some people tend to call it the “Wahl Senior for beginners”.
Priced cheaper than other barber clippers, the Legend is a very wise pro choice for people just starting out. It’s also lighter than other pro tools.
You’ll be surprised to find how much of a punch it actually packs, even compared with more high-end models.
Let’s examine this model closer in an extensive Wahl Legend review.

Overview of the Wahl 5 star Legend clipper
You'll love it for these | But you won't like these |
The Wahl 5 star Legend clipper body
Adhering to Wahl’s 5 star color scheme, the Legend clipper mixes burgundy with a silverish stripe in its middle body part. The cutter is 6.25″ in size and weighs 1 pound. Its weight is less than, say, the Wahl Senior with its 1.2 pounds.
This allows for easier maneuvering and less strain on your hands after continuous use. Hand fatigue is definitely a major concern for barbers working in busy shops. Even the difference of a few ounces adds up and can be much easier on your hand at the end of a long week.
This also can end up making you more money in the long run, too, since you can end up working faster and more efficiently which means more cuts by the end of the week.
As the Wahl 5 star Legend clipper is made of hard plastic, it also won’t overheat on you. Two great properties if you plan on using it for longer haircuts.
Being top heavy is actually also very helpful. It is easier to rock your arm out away from the head when fading up the sides. This gives you a much better blend in. The center of gravity allows you to make a much smoother transition and will improve your haircuts. This usually takes a bit of practice to really get the motion down, after all, it isn’t easy to use your arm as part of the tool.
Once you get the hang of it, you’ll see yourself getting through your haircuts much faster since you will spend less time trying to get rid of any shadow or line where you tapered.

A very distinctive part of this model’s body is the adjustment lever. I’ll elaborate on that in the next section of this Wahl Legend Review, though. For now, keep in mind that this Wahl clipper runs on 110V.
You will also receive several guards with it. On paper, they should be 8 (Wahl guards size 1 to 8), but many buyers say they haven’t received the #5 and #7 Wahl guard in their kit. As expected, you get a red blade guard, Wahl clipper oil and instructions.
Truth be told, though, I wish the clipper guards were made out of more durable plastic. If you are doing any bulk cuts with lots of thick hair, they tend to bend a bit and you have to go over the same spot a couple of times. This is not very efficient.
I think Andis make the best quality plastic clipper comb attachments so you may want to upgrade. It really depends on the type of haircuts you will be principally doing, I suppose.
The Wahl Legend blade & motor
The Legend clipper comes with Wahl’s most powerful electromagnetic V9000 motor. In that, it’s on par with higher priced Wahl professional hair clippers. Usually the sheer power of the V9000 can lead to some heating issues. As I mentioned, though, the all-plastic body of the Legend minimizes overheating.
What really matters is the blade. This 5 star clipper comes with the special Wahl crunch blade. It’s between a fade blade and a taper blade, a perfect mix of both. Deeper than a fade blade, it nevertheless makes the Legend a great hair clipper for fades.
The potential of the 5 star Legend as a fading clipper is amplified by its distinctive side lever.
Normally, Wahl clippers have a side lever that adjusts the blade from #000 to #1.
The throw of the Wahl Legend clipper is longer than that. As a result, it opens a bit more, so you get a #1A position.
The Wahl crunch blade will encounter no difficulties with any type of hair. If you’re looking for cutter for ethnic hair or a hair clipper for black men’s hair, this is a great pick.

Comparison with other Wahl professional hair clippers
Given its affordable pricing, the Wahl 5 star Legend clipper is a great pick for barbers just starting out. It’s also your best bet if you’re a casual user with your eye set on higher grade tools.
As I mentioned in the early part of this Wahl Legend Review, the Legend is not as powerful as the Senior. However, it’s cheaper, lighter and doesn’t heat that much. While you’ll have it vibrating to some extent, the vibrations will also be softer.
This is part of dealing with any electromagnetic motor system clipper. Vibrations and noise cannot be avoided unless you opt for a rotary motor system. That said, it is nice to have a model that is less rough and noisy as some others are.
In regards to its ease of use, it can be compared to the Wahl 5 star Magic Clip hair clipper. If you go with the cordless Magic Clip, the Legend performs a bit better. However, it does lack the flexibility and mobility. Both models feature a stagger-tooth crunch blade, so no big difference here.
The lever is something that makes it very easy to use, too. It can be adjusted on the fly with the thumb of your hand using the clipper. Pretty much in one motion you can change the length in small increments. The only downside is not having notches by the lever to know exactly how much you need to adjust them.
With some practice this won’t be an issue as it becomes intuitive. In fact that is better because then you don’t have to waste time looking at the notches and instead just do it without thinking.
Where the Wahl Legend falls short
I have two gripes with this Wahl electric hair cutting machine: the guards and the lever maintenance.
It’s great that you get so many Wahl combs, but their plastic leans on the flimsy side. That’s not isolated to the Legend only either. Their plastic can feel soft and unreliable, even slightly bendable. The quality of the guards really doesn’t live up to the clipper’s great performance.

Another thing, this time isolated to this model specifically, is the side lever. It’s great that it’s way more flexible than usual Wahl hair cutters. Yet you should be careful with it as it tends to get loose easier than other Wahl clippers. Monitor the screw holding the adjustment arm so your haircuts (or fades) stay tight and proper.
Take care of your clippers
You really need to keep your blades clean and oiled to make sure your clippers are always running in peak condition.
Hair on your clipper blades will cause them to get dull. When this happens your blades slow down. Not to mention that it will pull your clients hair.
Your motor will start to struggle when your blades are dull. This leads to wear on the parts and eventually it will give out. By keeping your blades clean, your clippers will actually last longer. Since it is not cheap to replace clippers it makes financial sense to keep them running as long as possible.
Wipe hair off of the blades before and after every haircut. Then once a month use some blade wash to clear away any of the grim that has built up on the blade.
When your blades are clean you also need to keep them lubricated.
At the beginning and end of each working day, make sure you add a few drops of clipper oil to either end of the blade while it is running. Wipe off any excess that you can see so it doesn’t end up getting hair clogged in the blade.
Final verdict
With a few small complaints set aside, the Wahl 5 star Legend clipper is a fantastic cutter for its price as proven here in this Wahl Legend Review. If you’re looking for a starter barber clipper kit, this machine is a very reasonable pick.
Does it pack as much of a punch as big players like Andis Master or Wahl Senior? No. Yet, it’s V9000 motor and crunch blade are just powerful enough to ensure smooth haircuts.
Start with this before you move on to higher grade clippers for barbers. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Even if you do end up upgrading, these will make for a great pair of secondary clippers. You should always have two different clippers to do the jobs you need. Whatever your majority of haircut type is, your primary clipper should be designed for that since it will be used most of the time. Then keep a secondary clipper for the other types of haircuts you get less often.
For instance, in the shop where I work, I do mainly regular haircuts. So, I have the Oster 76 as my primary clipper since it is great at bulk haircutting. It is not so great for bald fades so I keep a Wahl 5 Star Senior for doing those.
I’m an outdoor enthusiast and have sported a full beard since I was in my early 20’s. Originally, growing a beard was a way to save time when getting ready each day, but I quickly realized that keeping a neatly trimmed beard takes work and some forethought. That’s where this site comes in.
You get to benefit from my years of experience. I’ve reviewed many of the top hair clippers on the market today and also included some information on what works best for me. A great beard will turn lots of heads in your direction.
Since I never know when I’m going to find myself being photographed, whether it’s climbing in Yosemite, or playing volleyball on the beach, it’s important to me to always look my very best. Maintaining my beard is part of my daily routine and I hope you’ll find some useful tips and information on this site to help you on your journey.
im the beginner but Im still confused yet to choose..
Wahl legend Or Wahl 5 star magic clip. please give me some advice ..
which one better broo
Jamie, hi!
Both are great picks! If you’re outside of the US, maybe the Wahl Legend might be a bit better as it has the stronger motor. What do you want to use the clippers for? Fades? Normal cuts? Buzzcuts?
Hello. I live in turkey. I will buy a hair shaver for myself and my son that I will use at home. I was between the Wahl five star lagent and the magic clip, but outside of America, you said the magic clip engine is not the v9000. Is this still the case? I mean, is Europe’s lagents engine better than a magic clip? In my country, lagent is more expensive than magic clip. Which would you recommend to me and what would you suggest other than these two?
What is better guys ? Wahl 5 star barber combo ( legend and hero ) or the wahl essential combo ( tapper 2000 and ac trimmer) ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Psycho!
Definitely the 5 star combo. The Taper 2000 is less powerful than the Legend and is way better for fading due to its crunch blade. Also I don’t really like the AC trimmer – tried it once, but it’s definitely among the lower class of Wahl trimmers.
The Hero is medium-range: not as good as the Detailer, for example…but smaller and easier to work with.
If you can shell out some more $$$, the 5 star combo is definitely a priority. If you’re on a budget, go for the Essentials.
Hi alex,
First let me thank you for your answer and def the time you put to respond!
My issue is the customers reviews on Amazon. Any idea ?
What would you choose between these:
1-wahl 5 star combo.
2-Andis Stylist Combo Envy Clipper + T-Outliner Trimmer Black Combo
3-Andis Barber Combo
Am very much confused. Is amazon the only place to buy ? As from what i read so many customers gets broken or not working machines… Please advice.
Thank you very much indeed!
Sorry for the late reply!
Wahl don’t sell directly online, from what I’ve seen. They work through resellers and usually Amazon has the most affordable prices.
But yeah, transporting clippers always has a little risk factor due to the delicate parts (motor etc.) in them. I haven’t had any of mine come broken or misaligned, though!
Hmmm…tough choice. I prefer the Outliners on Andis’ Barber Combo more than the hero on the 5 star. But the Legends are better than the clipper on the Barber combo…
Which do you plan on using more? The trimmer for outlining, or the clipper? I’m leaning more towards the 5 star due to the Legend…
Hi Alex, no worries!
With your help am decided its the 5 star then as i would def use the legend more.
I appreciate your help and time again!
Thanks and gl!
Hi Alex, hope you doing well. I recieved today my wahl and legend. Looking super. Everything is good. But… its so so much noisy… when i put the legend to electricty after 30 secs it started bringing out a smoke and a burning smell. Is there anything tht i need to do to adjust it or sth ?
I bought it from US but iam using tht in europe. Do you think its maybe higher electricty or something ? Please advise . Thanks!
Oh no, this doesn’t sound good. I’d say it’s a faulty clipper, but…burning smell and smoke might have to do with electricity.
Are you in a country outside of the US? Perhaps the voltage levels differ? I’m not familiar with voltage variations across the world. Most appliances run on 110/120V here. As Wahl’s descriptions note, their clippers run on 110/120V and 60HZ most of the time too.
Is it possible that the voltage in your country is higher? The smoke would make sense then…
If you’re in the US, this is DEFINITELY a faulty clipper and you should return it!
Hi again alex,
I am in poland and voltage here is different than in the US its 230 V and frequency is 50 Hz…
I didnt put attention to that at all unfortunately, do you if there would be hmm sth like voltage regulator that it would make me able to use the machine here ? Am not even sure if such a think exist. Any idea ?
Am not sure if i can return as i bought it in the US and now am back to poland, and not going bsk to US. You think its possible to return it still ?
One more qestion if you know please… the blade in Legend which should move to the right and left to cut the hair isnt moving at all, do you if its possible to regulate that and how ?
Am so sorry too many questions but i believe you have the good knowledge about it. Thanks so much…
Poland’s a beautiful country, Ryan has visited it and he loved it.
Yes, there are the so called “step up transformers” that regulate the voltage. Are the Legends not available in Poland? 🙁 A step up transformer isn’t THAT expensive usually, but it’s additional expenses anyways…
Re: returning, I’m really not sure. It’s always a good idea to contact Wahl customer service, though! I’ve had good experiences with the company. Hit their official site or maybe even on Facebook. They might be able to help!
For the blade…what do you mean? The blade isn’t moving at all, or?
Hey there! I’ve been reading your blog for hours and i’ve yet to decide on which clipper model to get. As i read, i get more intrigued by each clipper and I’m unsure. I cut my own hair, and I cut my friends hair (probably about 3 haircuts per week). I mostly do skin fades. Currently using what i believe is a wahl comfort grip model (base model i think?). Looking for corded. I’m also in Australia, so I’m shopping around for a cheap combo on ebay with a detailer. (also need a transformer!)
Basically, i’m after some of the better (if not best) fading clippers!
Marty, hi!
Fully understand, the first time I wanted to get a clipper I was all like ‘Man, I want them ALL’, lol.
The Legends should be good for skin fades too! The Andis Fade Master is usually sick for bald/skin fades. However, it gets hotter, is heavier, and requires a little bit of work to get used to it. Kinda expensive too.
Here’s a nice video that might help you a bit. The barber here starts with Wahl’s balding clippers for the shortest layer, and then continues with the Legend for some additional fading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_sFOnNbrCY
Not sure what’s on sale in Australia, though…US Amazon has the 5 star barber combo which is a Legend + Hero (not a bad Wahl trimmer either.)
Cheers & let me know if you have additional questions!
For some Reason or another after 45 minutes of cutting the legends get hot to touch but not the blades the actual body
I’ve just bought one of these from my local salon suppliers (for me at home – I like buying good stuff !) and there’s a slight difference compared to the kit you’ve reviewed. Mine came with ‘Premium’ guides which have metal clips, and the plastic feels harder and more rigid compared to the cheaper guides I’ve seen on other Wahl clippers of this size. Also, mine came with 10 guides: 1-8 and 0.5 and 1.5 which I thought was great. The only negative is that the chrome plastic cover is very thin compared to the rear black plastic cover. it looks like it would easily break if I dropped it, but hopefully unlikely to happen.
Which model is better for fades, Legend or Magic clip cordless? Actually I bought the Legend for the price.
I hate to say the Magic Clip since you already got the Legend, but in my opinion, it is better for fades. That said, you won’t regret your purchase. The Legend is a very good clipper.
Hi Alex,
Which Wahl clipper can you recommend for bald guy with trimmed beard? Legend is ok? or other model can be better?
(Corded is better for me)/ Cheers!
Hi Alex,
Which Wahl clipper can you recommend for bald guy with trimmed beard? Legend is ok? or other model can be better? (Corded is better for me)/ Cheers!
Hi Alex, there is one thing confusing to me and i couldnt find an answer yet.. Magic clip has 2191 blades like some other Wahl models, which means it can be zero gapped. For skin fades, what would you offer?
-crunch blades of legend (with 0.5 mm min cut length), or
-zero overlap blades of magic clip (with 0.8 mm min cut length, when you do not set the blade to zero gap)?
And are crunch blades more beneficial than zero gap ones?
What’s the rpm on the Wahl legend there’s no specs out for it.
I am interested in buying a hair clipper for give myself and my sons hair cuts, basic traditional styles and perhaps a beard trimmer for myself. There are two models that I have seen available in my country the Moser 1400 for hair cuts and Moser 1400 Mini (for beard trimming and possibly hair cutting for some of the kids) or a combination back of the Wahl Legend for hair cuts and Wahl Hero (for beard trimming). Both the respective Wahl’s and Moser’s are of similar price but I am not sure which is a better buy in terms of quality, ease of use, maintenance and product life expectancy. Please do tell me which you think is better. Thanks a Ton!
Hello, and thanks for the review. I recently bought a Wahl corded Legend, and while the box itself does advertise it having a “crunch” blade, mine didn’t come with a stagger-tooth blade. The crunch blade is just a standard deep tooth, the crunch, they say is for sound purposes. I did however put a stagger-tooth cutting blade in it and it actually gives very nice texture especially on the blends and longer hair length.